Einen Besuch wert
ist sicherlich die neue Ausstellung von Shirin Neshat, die morgen im Museum der Moderne Salzburg startet.

Shirin Neshat doesn't quite know where to call home. The 43-year-old artist was born and raised in Iran but moved to the U.S. after high school to study art. When the Islamic Revolution overtook her homeland in 1979, Neshat was exiled and couldn't return until 11 years later--and the country she went home to bore little resemblance to the one she left. [Time Europe]
Ist ohnehin wieder mal Zeit für einen kleinen Ausflug.

Shirin Neshat doesn't quite know where to call home. The 43-year-old artist was born and raised in Iran but moved to the U.S. after high school to study art. When the Islamic Revolution overtook her homeland in 1979, Neshat was exiled and couldn't return until 11 years later--and the country she went home to bore little resemblance to the one she left. [Time Europe]
Ist ohnehin wieder mal Zeit für einen kleinen Ausflug.
manly - 23. Jan, 23:47