Time running
Busy busy busy. Incredibly busy lately. It's sad I cannot find time to do some of the reporting here as I wished to. However, good things are keeping me busy and a very cool project is coming up. Despite of all the crazy World Cup fever going around I cannot get enough of it and the reason is this.
In a couple of weeks the World Cup starts and that is also when some really cool bloggers and vloggers will come to Berlin to live in an amazing rooftop apartment and blog it. Lyssa , Gabe and Gabe from xolo.tv and Anil from mobuzz TV will report live about the games, atmosphere and life in Berlin. Can't wait to see them gettin' started!
Another reason I find myself floating away is the restructuring of my own homebase. But so far, I will not give away too much and surprise you with some before and after pics. Just one little hint - I will have at least some summer feeling at home in contrast to the winterly temperatures outside..
In a couple of weeks the World Cup starts and that is also when some really cool bloggers and vloggers will come to Berlin to live in an amazing rooftop apartment and blog it. Lyssa , Gabe and Gabe from xolo.tv and Anil from mobuzz TV will report live about the games, atmosphere and life in Berlin. Can't wait to see them gettin' started!
Another reason I find myself floating away is the restructuring of my own homebase. But so far, I will not give away too much and surprise you with some before and after pics. Just one little hint - I will have at least some summer feeling at home in contrast to the winterly temperatures outside..
manly - 20. Mai, 11:58